This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Remove the top hat and take the doorknocker part (T).

Take the crowbar; open the box with it, and take the hourglass (U).

Turn the key twice and take the padlock (V).

Connect the spur to the boot and take the cowboy boot (W).

You will receive the DOOR ORNAMENT.

Walk down.

Zoom into the left door; insert the DOOR ORNAMENT into the niche (X) and press it.

Talk to the man (Y).

Take the POKER (Z).

Zoom into the desk; take the 2/3 PUZZLE PIECE (A).

Zoom into the compartment; take the 2/3 FLOWER (B) and acquire the BUTTERFLY with the CRYSTAL GLASS (C).

Zoom into the sofa; take the EMBLEM (D).