This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Combine the SYMBOL OF A FORK and the SYMBOL OF A KNIFE in your inventory to make the FORK AND KNIFE (A).

Look at the drawer and place the FORK AND KNIFE in the indentation (B).

Take the 3/4 CONTROL PANEL ELEMENT (triangle) and the 2nd PART OF THE DAM (C).

Use the HONEY DIPPER on the jar to get the HONEY DIPPER WITH HONEY (D).

Walk down, enter the elevator, look at the controls, and push the bottom button.

Walk forward and enter the door on the left.

Combine the 1st PART OF THE DAM with the 2nd PART OF THE DAM in your inventory to make the DAM (E).

Look at the drawer and place the DAM into the picture (F).


Walk down twice, press the 2nd button from the bottom on the elevator control, walk forward, and down.

Look at the back wall for a mini-game.

Place the 3 CHIPS WITH THE IMAGE OF A CAR in the circles to activate the mini-game.

Select a large circle (H-M) to rotate it in place, select a yellow button (N-O) to highlight the pieces available to move, then select 2 pieces (1-8) to swap positions.

Continue this process to restore the picture.

Our solution is: J, O, 6, 7, Lx3, N, 3, 4, K, M, O, 7, 8, Lx3, N, 3, 4, K, Ix2, O, 5, 8, I, N, 2, 3, K, Hx2, N, 1, 4, M, L, O, 7, 8, Ix2, N, 2, 3, Kx2, Jx3, O, 5, 6, I, H, N, 1, 2, Hx3, Lx2, N, 1, 4, Jx2, I, O, 5, 6, I, Hx2, N, 1, 2, Hx2, J, Lx3, O, 6, 7, Jx2, O, 5, 6, Lx3, O, 6, 7, J, O, 5, 6, J, Mx2, Lx3, O, 7, 8, Mx3, Lx2 O, 7, 8, L, O, 5, 7, L, O, 5, 7, Lx2, and Mx2.

Take the CONTROL PANEL ELEMENT (round) and the PENCIL.

Walk to the right twice.