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Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Take the note (I).

Examine the book stand; place the QUILL in the ink well (J) and the BLANK TILE on the holder. Select the quill; take the NUMBERED TILE (K).

Go to the church and enter it.

Examine the altar and place the PEARL and CROSS on the broken rosary. Take the ROSARY (L) and the LINEN CLOTH (M).

Examine the hymnal board band place the NUMBERED TILE on it; take the ANCHOR MEDALLION (N).

Give the ROSARY to the priest.

Go out the door on the left (O).

Examine the gravestone; take the ROSES (P), and the BIBLE (Q).

Go to the Town Hall.

Examine the trashcans and use the ROSES on it; take the DRAWER HANDLE (R).

Enter the Town Hall and go straight into the back room.