This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Use the DART on the balloons; take the QUILL (X).

Use the CAR KEYS on the car; examine the opened car door. Open the glove box; take the LIBRARY KEY (Y) and the CROSS (Z).

Examine the library door and use the LIBRARY KEY on the lock; turn the key and pull the handle (A).

Enter the library.

Take the LADDER (B).

Examine the doorway; take the DOOR STOP (C).

Examine the desk to access a HOP (D).

Find the items listed.

Place the typewriter key on the typewriter to get a name (E).

Use the magnifying glass on the card to get a name (F).

Use the unsharpened pencil on the sharpener; use the sharpened pencil to get a name (G).

Open the coin purse to get a binder clip (H).

You will earn SCISSORS.

You will automatically use the SCISSORS on the SHELL BRACELET to get a LANTERN WICK.

Go left into the office.