This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the fountain and place the VALVE HANDLE on the stem (W).

Turn the valve; take the FIFTH OF WHISKEY (X).

Go left.

Examine the tavern door; give the FIFTH OF WHISKEY to the barkeeper (Y).

Enter the tavern.

Speak to the barkeeper (Z).

Take the DART (A).

Examine the fire extinguisher case and use the STONE HAMMER or GOLD BAR on the glass; take the FIRE EXTINGUISHER (B).

Examine the shelves to access a HOP (C).

Find the items listed.

Use the chalk on the chalkboard to get a cheese (D).

Knock down the horseshoe to get a cheese (E).

Open the drawer to get a cheese (F).

Remove the hamburger bun to get a cheese (G).

You will earn a CHEESE GRATER.

Go to the church.