This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the tide pool and use the FISHING GEAR to get the STRIPED BASS (X).

Examine the crab hole and use the STRIPED BASS in it. Reexamine the hole and take the PLASTIC SHOVEL (Y).

Go to the wharf and enter the tackle shop.

Examine the aquariums and use the PLASTIC SHOVEL on the dirt; take the WIRE BRUSH (Z).

Go to the boathouse.

Examine the hull and use the WIRE BRUSH on the barnacles; note the name of the boat (A).

Enter the boathouse and go forward twice to the cellar.

Examine the trunk; place ARTHUR’S CELL PHONE on the charger (B).

Examine the phone and enter the boat name on it; select the numbers 8,3,7,2 to spell Vera.

Take the TOWN HALL KEY (C), and the SOCKET WRENCH (D).

Go to the Town Hall.