This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

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Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the fire ring and place the TARRED OBJECT in the hanging bucket. Place the WOOD in the ring and use the BOX OF MATCHES on it; take the SCISSOR HALF (M).

Go to the Tavern.

Speak to the woman (N); receive a RUBY 4/6.

Back out.

Examine the doorway of the building on the right to access a HOP.

Find the items listed.

Examine the furnace to get the peas and muffin (O).

Use the chalk on the Roman numerals to get a number 12 (P).

Move the cloth to get a butterfly (Q).

You will earn a SICKLE.

Go to the Scientist's yard.

Examine the grass and use the SICKLE on it; take the RUBY 5/6 (R).

Examine the skull and use the SCISSOR HALF to get the RUBY 6/6 (S).

Enter the Scientist's house.

Examine the ring in the floor and place the 6 RUBIES on it to trigger a puzzle (T).