This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Place the items where they belong in the scene.

Move the fire panel and examine the furnace to place some of the items (Q).

You will earn a MAGNET.

Examine the fountain and place the MAGNET in the water to trigger a puzzle (R).

Move the MAGNET over the water to find the NAIL (S).

Move the lower part of the yoke in place; place the NAIL on the top and use the HAMMER on the nail. Take the YOKE (T).

Go forward into the tavern.

Select anywhere in the scene to speak to the woman.

Examine the back table; read the book, take the RUNG 2/5 (U).

Examine the fireplace and use the BUCKET OF WATER on the coals; take the PIGLET (V).

Examine the counter and move the bottles; take the ROPE WITH HOOK (W).

Back out twice and go left of the well.