This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Find the items listed (S1).

You will earn a POWDER WITH BRUSH.

Back out twice.

Examine the door and place the DOOR HANDLE on it; turn the handle (T).

Go through the newly-opened door to the library.

Take the TAP (U).

Examine the book shelf; take the SCISSORS (V) and read the note (W).

Back out; go up the stairs and then right into the bedroom.

Examine the box and use the SCISSORS on the tape; take the TAPE (X).

Back out and go left.

Examine the desktop and turn the newspaper pages to read the articles (Y).

Use the POWDER WITH BRUSH and then the TAPE on the fingerprint; take the FINGERPRINT (Z).

Examine the portrait and use the FINGERPRINT on the green button; read the scroll and take the SEED (A).

Back out twice and go into the library.