This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Look at the stairs and use the CORKSCREW on the panel (M).

Give the SOFT PLASTIC to the crab and take the 3/4 PIECE OF ICE (N).

Walk right, left, and then enter the hole in the fence.

Look at the snow, take the medal (@), and use the raven's Power of Earth to retrieve the 2nd ZEBRA MOSAIC PIECE (O).

Look at the penguin and give him the FISH (P).

Zoom into the ice and take the 1st ANIMAL TILE (Q).

Remove the control panel cover (R).

Note the mini-game in the panel (S).

Walk down twice.

Look at the gate on the right and zoom into the mosaic for a mini-game.

Place the 2 ZEBRA MOSAIC PIECES in the panel to activate the mini-game.

Select 2 pieces to swap positions; press the blue button to swap the tiles from each side (T).

The center tile on each side does not move.

Continue until you have restored both sides (U).

Enter the gate.