This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Place the NAUTICAL COMPASS in the mechanism to trigger a puzzle (T).

Select the levers in the correct order.

To solve the puzzle, select the following levers: C, D, A, B, A, D, B, D and A.

Go forward through the newly'Opened door.

Examine the bulb; take the FOCUSING LENS 0).

Examine the right side of the desk; take the note (K).

Take the LENGTH OF HOSE (L).

Back out three limes.

Examine the boat; use the EMPTY GAS CAN and the LENGTH OF HOSE on the tank. Take the FULL GAS CAN (M).

Go to the lighthouse and up the Udder.

Examine the bulb and place the FOCUSING LENS on it to trigger a puzzle (N).