This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Take the AXE (U).

Examine the tree hollow; take the IRON RUNGS 1/4 (V).

Back out and go right to the wharf.

Examine the buoy; use the POLE HOOK to get the SHELL BRACELET (W). Examine the boat to access a HOP (V).

Find the items listed.

Use the lighter on the lantern to get the tin can (Z).

Connect the hook to the helmet to get a bird (A).

Move the bucket to get the snake (B).

Move the cloth to get an oxygen tank (C).

Use the crowbar on the sign to get a shark tooth (D).

Move the 3 bricks to get the binoculars (E).

Use the key on the cage to get a lobster (F).

You will earn an IRON RUNG 2/4.

Go forward twice to the lighthouse.