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This is eke official guide for Small Town Terrors: Pilgrim's Hook Collector's Edition.

Select Options to adjust Music, Effects, Ambient and Voice Volume. You can also adjust Full Screen Mode and Custom Cursor.

The Extra Content Button gives you access to the Bonus Chapter, Whale Bones, Concept Art, Arthur's Journal, Wallpapers, Castor's Creatures and Achievements.

There are 25 hidden Creatures to find in the scenes. The locations are marked at the end of the guide.

There is a Bonus game to find 80 Whale Bones hidden across the entire gameplay area that you may do after (he main game is complete.

The Hidden'object puzzles will be referred to as HOP throughout the guide. Items labeled in light blue in the find list require an extra step to find.

Puzzles may be skipped after a short wait; some puzzles are random.

Open your journal (1) to view your notes and objectives.

There are some instances where multiple items that can be used to accomplish the same task. Since the game is not linear, the alternates are listed in the guide regardless if they have been acquired or already used if following the guide.

Select the Map (2) to see what locations have tasks to complete. You can also fast travel to any location by selecting the desired area on the map.

You may select the Hint button (3) for help in game play or HOP areas. The hints are unlimited but you must wait for it to recharge between uses.

Move your cursor to the bottom of the screen to pull up the Inventory Bar (4).