This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Take the HALBERD (C).

Enter the Palace Hall.

Zoom into the frame; take the ORGAN MUSIC (D).

Remove the painting and zoom into the safe; hold the STETHOSCOPE next to the safe (E).

Turn the dial (purple) to 10, 70, and 45 to open the safe.

Take the LETTER M (F), the 1/3 COIN (G), and the FUSE (H).

Go to the Ceremony Hall.

Move aside the curtain (blue).

Collect the tobacco scent (I).

Zoom into the portrait; take the ROOSTER SYMBOL (J).

Zoom into the pillar; take the OILER (K).

Put the CANDELABRA on the pillar (L).

Play the HOP.

Take the nail puller, remove the nail with it, and take the coins (M).

Take the pestle, pound the grapes with it, and take the wine (N).

You will receive the STATUE HEAD.