This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Walk to the detective; pick up the PICTURE TILE (B).

Walk down.

Examine the gate; place the PICTURE TILE in the empty square to begin the puzzle (C).

Slide the tiles around to create a complete image.

To solve the puzzle (D) select these tiles: J, K, L, H, D, C, G, H, L, P, O, K, G, C, D, H, G, K, L, P, O, K, J, N, O, P, L, K, J, I, M, N, O, K, J, F, G, K, L, P, O, N, J, F, G, K, J, N, O, and P.

Walk right to the costume room.

Touch the owl (E).

Examine the mannequin; take the BANDAGE from the mannequin’s mouth (F).

Take the TICKET from the mannequin’s mouth (G).

Open the closet doors (H).

Select the floating tarot card to activate a HOP (J).