This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Climb up to the roof.

Zoom into the record player; pour the GLUE on the broken plate (J) and then push the pieces together. Collect the SAUCER.

Look back under the front of the van; place the SAUCER in front of the kitten and then pour the MILK into it. Collect the KITTEN (K).

Zoom into the sparkles to play a HOP.

Zoom into the ledge; collect the Hare (L) and the Hat (M).

Crack the egg to find the Crocodile (N).

Light the incense (O) with the lighter (P) to make the Smoke.

Move the pillow to reveal the Aquarium (R).

Open the box with the key (S) to find the Imp (T).

Place the three notes (pink) on the Sheet Music (U).

Collect the remaining items to receive the EMPTY AQUARIUM.

Return to the Rooftop.