This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

- Give the VERVAIN ELIXIR to the medicine woman (M).

- Take the MEDALLION (N).

- Back out.

- Examine the cart to access a HOP (O).

- Find the items listed.

- Use the corkscrew on the bottle to get a cork (1).

- Use the nutcracker on the nut to get a cracked walnut (2).

- You will earn a METAL PIPE.

- Go forward twice into the town hall lobby.

- Examine the hail table and open the drawer. Take the WRENCH (P), and the CLAY (Q).

- Back out twice.

- Examine the spigot and use the WRENCH to get the VALVE AND NUT (R).

- Examine the bucket and place the CLAY on it; automatically get a BUCKET (@).

- Go forward.