This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

- Use the AXE on the fallen tree (K).

- Go right into the house.

- Examine the table and place the VERVAIN, CHAMOMILE, and MEADOWSWEET on the plate and the COOKING POT in the lower right to trigger a puzzle (L).

- Follow the directions in the book to create the elixir.

- Place the lamp oil (1) in the burner (A).

- Use the candle (2) to light the burner (A).

- Place the pot (3) on the lit burner.

- Use the water pitcher (4) on the pot.

- Place an herb (5) in the mortar (B) and use the pestle (C) on it.

- Place the crushed herbs in the pot,

- Repeat for the next two herbs (5).

- Use the spoon (D) to stir the pot.

- Use the EMPTY ELIXIR BOTTLE on the pot to get a VERVAIN ELIXIR

- Back out; go forward and then right into Philip's house.