This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

- Examine the table; read the recipe book (D).

- Examine the cabinet; take the COOKING POT (E).

- Open the left cabinet door; take the EMPTY ELIXIR BOTTLE (F).

- Examine the corner to access a HOP (G).

- Find the items listed.

- Move the wooden panel to get the rope (1).

- Push in the board to get the golden coin (2).

-You will earn GARDEN SHEARS.

- Go up to the attic.

- Examine the herbs; use the GARDEN SHEARS to get the VERVAIN (H) and the CHAMOMILE (I).

- Back out three times.

- Knock down the fence and examine the plant; use the GARDEN SHEARS to get the MEADOWSWEET (J).

- Go forward.