This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

- Examine the letter; open it and read it (A).

- Take the KEY(B).

- Use the KEY on the trunk lock (C).

- Examine the opened trunk to access a HOP.

- Find the items listed.

- In the areas circled in white; move the draped cloth and open the wooden box to find hidden items.

- Use the scissors on the string to get a piece of string (1).

- Place the mouse on the apple to get a nibbled apple (2).

- Use the nail puller on the nail and remove the sign to get a knife (3).

- Use the stamp on the seal to get a sealed letters (4).


- Exit the train via the door on the left.

- Speak to the ferry operator (D),

- Take the GAFF (E).

- Examine the back of the coach; move the luggage lid and take the MONEY POUCH (F).

- Go forward to the ferry.