This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Zoom into the octopus; place the TENTACLE on it. Move the tentacle and take the HORN (F).

Take the LEAF (G).

Examine the map and take the DART (H).

Zoom into the cabinet and insert the DART on the door; take the SEA HORSE 4/4 and the note below it (I).

Take a closer look at the safe; select the buttons in this order (1-4).

Take the 2 GOLD COINS (@) and the note (J).

Talk to Aidan.

Look in the safe again and take the NUMBER PLATE and the PUZZLE STRIP 1/2 (green).

Walk down 4 times.

Zoom into the sconce; place the LEAF on it and take the BUTTERFLY 2/2 (K).

Zoom into the table; place the 2 BUTTERFLIES on the tail and touch the butterflies (L).

Take the GOLD COIN (@) and the PLANET 3/4 (M).

Return to the bedroom in the basement.

Zoom into the night table; place the 4 SEA HORSES in the slots.

Place the sea horses into the right silhouettes as shown in the screenshot (N).

Take the PUZZLE STRIP 2/2, the APPLE 1/3, and the note (O).