This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Zoom into the mailbox; place the MAILBOX FLAG on the box (J) and pull it down.

Collect the eleventh PLAQUE piece (K) and read the newspaper (L).

Zoom into the barrel; collect the twelfth PLAQUE piece (M).

Return to the side yard.

Place the twelve PLAQUE pieces on the gravestone (N); arrange the pieces as they are shown in the screenshot.

Return to the back room through the gate in the front yard.

Zoom into the chest; set the dials (O) to 1923.

Open the chest; collect the CANE (P) and KNIFE (Q).

Back up one scene.

Zoom into the animal trap; trigger the trap with the cane and then collect the PLIERS (S).

Enter the back room.

Zoom into the crate; remove the nails with the PLIERS, remove the lid and then collect the CROWBAR (T).

Return to the front yard.