This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the workbench; take the WRENCH (I), and the HOISTING JACK (J).

Open the hood and examine it; read the note (K).

Examine the pit; take the GAS CAN (L).

Go to the Souvenir shop.

Examine the cabinet and place the HOISTING JACK underneath (M).

Examine the storeroom to access a HOS (N).

Find the items listed.

Select the mannequin heads to move the shop keeper (not shown in screenshot) left and right to expose various hidden items (1-4).

Use the baseball bat on the glass jar to get the hose (5).

Place the candle on the candlestick to get a triple candlestick (6).

Place the teddy bear by the three bears to get a four bear family (7).

You will earn a HOSE.

Go to the Backyard.