This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Find the items listed.

Place the wind-up key on the mouse to get a clockwork mouse (1).

Place the lens in the glasses to get sunglasses (2).

Place the ice cream in the cone to get ice cream (3).

You will earn a ROPE.

Go to the Cemetery entrance.

Examine the fence and use the FILE to get the FENCE PIECE (C).

Go forward into the Cemetery.

Examine the gravestone and use the FILE on the chain; take the CHAIN (D).

Back out twice.

Examine the motorbike and tie the ROPE on back wheel (E).

Fasten the CHAIN to the front wheel and use the LOCK on the chain (F).

Examine the door; select the rope to tie it (G).

Examine the motorbike and place the MOTORBIKE KEYS in the ignition; turn the MOTORBIKE KEY (H).

Go through the newly-opened door to the Garage.