This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the mailbox and place the MAILBOX FLAG on it; take the TOOLBOX KEY (G).

Go to the City gates.

Examine the scaffolding platform and use the TOOLBOX KEY on the toolbox; take the SCREWDRIVER (H) and NAIL (I).

Go to the Souvenir shop.

Examine the boarded door and use the SCREWDRIVER on the board; move the spring (J).

Go through the newly-opened door to the Backyard.

Examine the lawnmower; take the CHAPEL KEY (K).

Examine and speak to the gardener (L).

Go to the Cemetery.

Examine the chapel door and place the CHAPEL KEY on it; take the SWITCH (M).

Go to the Souvenir shop.

Examine the jukebox and open the panel; place the SWITCH on the top of the panel and flip it (N).

Take the OIL CAN (O) after the cut scene.

Go through the door to the Backyard.