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Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Place the SEEDS (Y2) on the table on which the bird cage is sitting. The parrot will fly over to eat the seeds, bringing the ELEVATOR BUTTON (Z2) with it. Take the button.

Insert the ELEVATOR BUTTON (Z2) where it belongs. Click on the button.

Enter the Elevator.

Take the 17th Beyond Object.

Take the DOOR FRAGMENT (A3) that's on the floor.

Take the DIAGRAM (B3) that's on the wall.

Use the SCREWDRIVER (Z) to remove the cover of the elevator control panel.

Take the PYRAMID (C3).

Insert the WIRE (V2) into the control panel.

Pull the lever to go upstairs.

Use the KNIFE (W2) to cut the rope wrapped around the elevator's doors.

Enter the Apartment Hallway.