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Zoom into the crate; insert the ANCHOR into the niche (R).

Play the mini-game.

To solve this puzzle, move the sliders out of the way three times (1-3) so that the golden plate (S) can be moved to the right side of the board (purple).

For the first solution (1), move the sliders this way: 5 down, 7 down, 6 right, 4 right, 3 up, 5 up, gold tile right, 3 down, 5 down, 4 left, 6 left, 8 left, 7 up, 10 up, and gold tile right.

For the second solution (2), move the sliders this way: 12 up, 9 right, 8 right, 6 down, 4 left, 7 down, 2 right, 3 up, gold tile right, 3 down, 1 down, 2 left, 10 left, 11 left, 12 up, 7 up, and gold tile right.

For the third solution (3), move the sliders this way: 4 right, 5 right, 6 down, 15 up, 12 right, 10 down, 11 down, 8 right, 7 right, 6 up, 9 up, gold tile right, 6 down, 2 right, 3 up, 2 left, 6 up, 4 left, 5 left, 13 left, 14 up, 11 down, 15 up, and gold tile right.

Zoom into the crate; take the note (T) and the RAW GLASS MATERIAL (U).

Go to the Craft Quarter 2.

Zoom into the oven and put the FORM into the oven (V); pour the RAW GLASS MATERIAL into the form.

Pull out the form with the TONGS to acquire the NEPTUNE FIGURINE.

Go to the Ship.