This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

* Play the HOPS.

* Move the backpack and take the crystal (P).

* Open the pocket and take the ring (Q).

* Cut the apple with the knife (R) and take the apple half (S).

* Place the symbol (T) on the bag and take the paintbrush (U).

* You will receive the CRYSTAL.

* Use the MAGIC BOTTLE on the crystal flowers (V); take the note and then take the BULL'S HEAD (W).

* Walk down.

* Zoom into the gold chest. Touch the chain and place the BULL'S HEAD in the slot and take the CRYSTAL (X).

* Go right.

* Zoom into the crystals; place the 2 CRYSTALS on them.

* Use the MAGIC BOTTLE on the crystals and take the GREEN BALL (Y).

* Walk down.

* Zoom into the volcano (Z); remove the branches and use the GREEN BALL on it to activate a puzzle.