This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

* Use the MAGIC BOTTLE on the door; touch the dragons and then use the MAGIC BOTTLE on the close-up (M).

* Place the MAGIC STAFF on the door (N).

* Go through the door.

* Zoom into the note and take it (O).

* Zoom into the yeti; use the SCISSORS to cut his hair. Take the PENCIL (P).

* Look at the frame (P1).

* Use the MAGIC BOTTLE on the portrait and again on the close-up (Q).

* Take the LENS (R).

* Go through the door.

* Open the window.

* Talk to the Flower Fairy (S).

* Zoom into the window and take the COAL (T).

* Touch the mechanical bird (U) and it will knock down the cabinet door.

* Zoom into the cabinet door (V) and use the FIREFLY in it to activate a HOPS.

* Play the HOPS.

* Place the stamp (1) on the envelope (2) and take the stamped envelope.

* Place the wings (green) on the horse (3) and take Pegasus.

* Flip the page and take the fan (4).

* Place the key (5) in the lock (6) and take the angels.

* You will receive the CANDLE.

* Walk down.