This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Take the 5/7 LARGE BEAD (F) and the 6/7 LARGE BEAD (G).

Walk down.

Zoom into the window; use the HAMMER to remove the three boards marked in blue.

Use the HAMMER to break the window (H).

Enter the School.

Zoom into the classroom door; take the 7/7 LARGE BEAD (I).

Zoom into the wall; talk to the scarecrow (J); you will receive the GEM.

Take the 3/5 FEATHER (K).

Walk down and turn right.

Zoom into the spinning beads; remove the 2 bolts marked in purple with the WRENCH.

Remove the top and put down the 7 LARGE BEADS (L).

Play the mini-game.