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Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the left bench and place the PLIERS HALF on the pliers half; take the PLIERS (G).

Go to the cafe in Paris.

Examine the table; use the PLIERS on the backpack and remove the container (H).

Open the container; take the HOT DOG (I).

Back out three times and go left.

Give the HOT DOG to the dog (J).


Examine the bench; take the SCOOP (L), and RIGHT SUN PART (M).

Examine the bin and use the SCOOP on it; take the SCOOP OF SAND (N).

Go to the Seine riverbank.

Use the SCOOP OF SAND on the icy steps (O).

Enter the boathouse (P).

Examine the chest and use the SHARP CROSSBEAM on the padlock (Q).

Assemble the BRUSH ATTACHMENT (R).

Examine the cabinet to access a HOS (S).