This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

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Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Construct a line connecting all open cells.

See screenshot for solution; use the yellow square for your starting point (C).

Examine the opened coffin to access a HOS.

Find the items listed.

Place the gems on the box to get a dragon (1).

Place the pins in the doll to get a voodoo doll (2).

You will earn an INSPIRED TOKEN.

Go to the Notre Dame facade.

Use the upgraded GLADRIEL to turn the right statue; take the SMALL SHIELD (D).

Go to the Paris police precinct.

Examine under the stairs and place the SMALL SHIELD in the recess; take the PLIERS HALF (E), and 2nd INSPIRED TOKEN (F).

Go to the south tower entrance in Notre Dame.