This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the jack and use the PLIERS on the chain; take the CHAIN (M) and HOIST (N).

Back out.

Examine the carriage wheel and place the HOIST underneath; place the HOIST HANDLE on it and turn the handle. Take the 2nd RUNE (O).

Go up the newly-opened path to the clock tower.

Speak to the horseman (P).

Examine the victim; take the cursed card (@) and the IRON BONE (Q).

Go to the hall in the monster house.

Examine the wolf head and place the IRON BONE in its mouth; turn the head to open the door (R).

Go through the newly-opened door to the hunter's room.

Examine the bear and note the medallion (S).

Examine the chair; take AFRICA (T).

Examine the table; read the note (U) and take the 2nd COAT OF ARMS PART (V).

Examine the weapons; take the MACHETE (W).