This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

* Enter the code found outside on the sign (2761 on top and 4325 at the bottom) (E).

* Take the EARRING (F).

* Walk down and go right.

* Play the HOPS.

* Touch the button 3 times (G) and take the picture-box sun.

* Use the wand (H) on the hat (I) and take the rabbit.

* Give the drum (J) to the monkey (K) and take the monkey with drum.

* Use the chalk (L) on the face (M) and take the smile.

* You will receive the SHOVEL.

* Take the note (N).

* Use the MAGIC BOTTLE on the ground (where the note was located) and then use the PICK on the loose stone.

* Use the MAGIC BOTTLE on the carrot (O). Use the SHOVEL to get the CARROT.

* Take a closer look at the bunny and give it the CARROT (P). Take the EARRING (Q).

* Tip the oatmeal bag and take the BOX LOCK PART (R). Place the BOWL WITH WATER in the oatmeal to receive the UNCOOKED OATMEAL.

* Zoom into the elephant and place the 2 EARRINGS on it to activate a puzzle (S).