This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Access the objectives (A) to review your current task.

Enter the menu (B) to leave the game or to adjust both the volume and the display mode.

Collected items will be stored in the inventory (C).

Press the hint button (D) whenever you need help.

In the beginning you can choose between two grades of difficulty: normal and hard mode.

Hidden-object scenes will be referred to as HOPS throughout this guide.

Talk to the man (E).

Zoom into the streetlight; take the 1/3 STONE RING (F).

Take a closer look at the corpse; take the 1/2 LONG BOW (G) and the ROYAL KEY (H).

Zoom into the carriage; put the ROYAL KEY into the lock (I).

Play the HOPS.

Collect the 12 items (green).

You will receive the 2/2 LONG BOW.