This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Zoom into the bench and take the BOOK (Y).

Zoom into the drain; take the note (Z).

Talk to Aidan.

Zoom into the roses; take the COAT FLAP and the MAP FRAGMENT 5/5 (A).

Walk down.

Zoom into the frame; place the 5 MAP FRAGMENTS on it to activate a puzzle.

Put the map back together. Please look at the screenshot for the solution (M).

Zoom into the bookcase and place the 3 BOOKS on the shelf to activate a puzzle. Select the books in the order shown (1-3).

Take the 2 COINS (@2).

Grab the note, the passport, and the CROWN (white).

Talk to Aidan.

Go through the hole in the back window.

Zoom into the bench; use the CROWN on the coat of arms. Take the GOLD COIN (@) and the BEAK (N).

Walk down twice.