This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Take a closer look at the pillow and remove it; take the diary and the PINCERS below it (G).

Take a closer look at the cats; use the HAMMER on them and take the GOLD COIN (@).

Take a closer look at the mirror (H) and then talk to Aidan. Zoom back into the mirror and use the PINCERS to get the FRAGMENT 4/4 (I).

Zoom into the box (green); place the 4 FRAGMENTS on the box to activate a puzzle.

Use the arrows to rotate the pieces into place.

To solve the puzzle, select the arrows in this order: C, B, C, A x 3.

Open the envelope and take ESMERALDA'S LETTER (E). Take the KEY below the letter.

Zoom into the door lock; use the KEY in the lock and go through the door.

Zoom into the shirt and then touch it (F).

Take the Fan (#) and the MOUSE (G).

Examine the divider and place the CAT in the slot (H) to activate a HOS.