This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Zoom into the pistol; take the METAL ROSE (M).

Go upstairs.

Take the HACKSAW (N).

Zoom into the book and put the METAL ROSE into the niche (O); open the book and take the RING (P).

Play the HOS.

Take the lemon, squeeze it on the juicer (Q), and take the fresh juice.

Take the clippers, cut the branches with it, and take the free hummingbird (R).

You will receive the EMPTY LADLE.

Walk down three times.

Zoom into the statue and put the RING on the finger (S); take the MIRROR SHARD (T).

Turn left and move forward to the Marillo Gardens.

Zoom into the roots; take the AWL (U).

Zoom into the statue; cut the horn with the HACKSAW (V) to acquire the IRON HORN.

Play the HOS.