This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

- Examine the track and use the DAGGER on it; take the SIL VER KEY(W).

- Go forward

- Examine the shutters and use the SILVER KEY on the lock (X).

- Examine the stained glass window to access a HOS (Y).

- Find the items listed.

- Place the helmet on the armor to get a knight (1).

- You will earn a MIRROR.

- Examine Medusa and use the MIRROR on her (Z).

- Examine the gendarme; take the BOMB (A) and the cursed card (@).

- Go forward through the hole in wall of the church.

- Examine the hanker and use TERRANCE on the sword (B); take the BLUNT SWORD (C) and the cursed card (@).

- Examine the dragon (D).

- Examine the lantern; take the 4th PIECE OF PAPER (E).

- Examine the cart; take the 5th PIECE OF PAPER (F), and the NAILS(G).

- Examine the carriage door and use the BOMB on it (H).

- Back out twice.