This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

- Examine the trunk and open it: take the amulet (A) which will he added to vour bottom left toolbar as vour hint button.

- Take the HANDLE (B).

- Examine the carriage door and place the HANDLE on it (Z).

- Examine the opened carriage to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.

- Place the axe handle on the handle to get the axe (1).

- You will earn an AXE.

- Examine the log and use the AXE on it (C).

- Push the carnage out of the way.

- Open the gates (D).

- Examine the bucket: take the BUCKET (E), and the PIECE OF PAPER (F).

- Examine the vat and place the BUCKET under the tap: turn on the tap and take the BUCKET OF WATER (G).

- Examine the burning man and place the BUCKET OF WATER on him; take the RUBY 1/2 (H) and the cursed card (@).

- Go forward to the narrow street.