This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

1. Use GLADRIEL on the balloon (P).

2. Examine the snow pile and use the EMPTY BUCKET on it; take the BUCKET WITH SNOW (Q).

3. Examine the fallen basket to access a HOS (R).

4. Find the items listed.

5. Move the cloth to get the sparkplug, airplane, safety pin, gear, and the cookie for gingerbread cat (4).

6. Give the pretzel to the hamster to get a plumped-up hamster (5).

7. Use the hammer and chisel on the cover; remove the panel and examine the opened niche to get the soap (6).

8. Use the cookie decorator on the cookie to get a gingerbread cat (7).

9. You will earn SOAP.

10. Go left to the police station entrance.