This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

1. Examine the drain and use the FISHING ROD on it to get the GREEN JEWEL KEY (G).

2. Go forward.

3. Read the sign (@).

4. Examine the door and place the GREEN JEWEL KEY on it to trigger a puzzle (H).

5. Rotate the square to join four or more elements.

6. Use the arrows to rotate the board; L = arrow on the left, R = arrow on the right (@).

7. To solve the puzzle, select the following arrows' First set - L, Rx2, Lx2, and R (i).

8. Second set: R xlO, and L (j).

9. Go forward into Notre Dame and go right.