This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

1. Examine the EIFFEL TOWER MINIATURE (N) and take it.

2. Examine the cloth and use the SCISSORS on it; get a RAG (O).

3. Back out.

4. Examine the stand and use the HEAVY BRONZE STATUE and RAG on the glass; take the NOTRE DAME MINIATURE (P).

5. Go forward.

6. Examine the tourist center board and place the NOTRE DAME MINIATURE and EIFFEL TOWER MINIATURE on it to trigger a puzzle (Q).

7. Move the landmarks to their proper locations.

8. See screenshot for solution (R).

9. Take the CAR KEYS and read the note.

10. Examine the car door and use the CAR KEYS on the lock (S).

11. Examine the opened car and open the portfolio; read the note. After the cut scene, take the GUARDIAN AMULET (T) which will be added to your taskbar.

12. You may now use the GUARDIAN AMULET to find hidden symbols.