This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

- Examine the man digging and speak to him; give him the SPADE and take the BLUE GEM (P).

- Examine the headstone and place the GREEN GEM, RED GEM and BLUE GEM on it to trigger a puzzle (Q).

- Remove all the colored balls.

- To solve the puzzle, select the following arrows; Bx4-A-Bx2-A-B-A-B-Ax3-Bx3-Ax2-B-A-Bx2-A and B (R).

- Examine the grave; take the Book of Fire which will be added to your toolbar (S).

- Place the rune on its matching location (T).

- Go to the Plane.

- Place the rune on its matching location (U).

- Go forward.