This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

- Examine the plane door and place the HANDLK on it; turn the handle (K).

- Examine the opened plane door to access a HOS (L).

- Find the items listed.

- Turn the valve to shut off the steam to get the knife, microphone and hat (1).

- Use the key on the lock to get handcuffs (2).

- Peel the banana to get the banana peel (3).

- Use the gas on the lighter and light it to get a working lighter (4).

- You will earn a POT.

- Examine the board and use the POT on the water (M);get a POT W ITH WATKR.

- Examine the fire and place the POT WITH WATKR on it; take the BOILING WATKR (N).

- Go forward to the City gates.