This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

- Select anywhere in the scene and you will acquire a RAVEN (A).

- Examine the plane door; take the board (13).

- Examine the box; open the lid and take the FISHHOOK (Q.

- Place the BOARD across the water (D).

- Go forward on the right to the city gates.

- Select anywhere in the scene to speak to the pilot.

- Examine the pilot and take the KEY (E).

- Back out.

- Examine the bag and use the KEY on the lock; take the BANDAGE (I1) and TORN PICTURE (G).

- Return to the City gates.

- Examine the pilot; use the BANDAGE on his hand (H).

- Speak to the pilot's skeleton; examine the ground by his feet and place the TORN PICTURE on the ground to trigger a puzzle (I).

- Assemble the pieces to complete the photo.

- See screenshot for solution (J).

- Take the HANDLE.

- Back out.