This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


* Find the items listed.

* Move the flowers to gel the matehes (1).

* pull the popper to get snow (2).

* you will earn MATCHES.

* Examine the door and place the PIECE OF STAINED GLASS on it to trigger a puzzle (F).

* Hold and drag the puzzle pieces to their correct positions.

* See screenshot for solution (G).

* GO left into room 11.

* examine the top window panes and select the hole in the glass: note the time. 7:15 (H).

* Give the Veils to Arthur (I).

* Back out of the close-up and examine the clock face: place the 2 WEIGHTS on the chains to trigger a puzzle (j).

* Set the correct time by pulling the chains.

* To solve the puzzle, select the following chains: B X 3, A X 8