This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


* Open the chest and zoom in; move the lantern and take the FORTUNE - TELLER'S BODY (F).

* examine the hat and remove it: take the MAGIC BALL (G).

* examine the clown; take the WINDUP KEY (H).

* examine the box; move the blue ball and take the FORTUNE - TELLERS HEAD (I).

* examine the table: place the WINDUP Key. FORTUNE - TELLERS BODY, FORTUNE - TELLERS HEAD. and MAGIC BALL on it (J).

* place the body. head, and ball on the top of the box (1 - 3).

* place the key in the hole and turn it (4).

* Use the hammer on the ball; take the DOCTOR'S Key (K).

* Back out.

* examine the clinic's door and zoom into the lock: place the SNAKE on the lock (la).

* place the DOCTOR'S Key in the lock and turn it.

* Enter through the newly-opened door.