This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


* Speak to the gentleman on the boat.

* Speak to the masked man (A).

* Take the BOATHOOK. (B).

* examine the hatch: take the BAG OF MILLET (C).

* Open the hatch: take the RED MECHANICAL BUG (D).

* examine the opening on the pier (E).

* Use the BOATHOOK on the boat: open the chest and examine it (f).

* Use the brush on the sand (G).

* Take the cork off the glass container (H).

* Move the items on the upper left: place the tumbler in the bottom center slot (I).

* Select the left purple arrow: move the items and place the key half on the upper key half (J).

* Take the key and use it on the right lock; press the right arrow (K).

* Slide the paper out to get the code for the center lock: 6-8-4

* enter the code. 6-8-4 on the center lock: take the SHARP SHELL (L).