This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


- Zoom into the side table; connect the TOP OF THE HAMMER to the hammer handle (W) and take the HAMMER.

- Walk down.

- Zoom into the balloon; replace the old gas cylinder with the GAS I CYLINDER (X) and fix the wooden beam (Y) with the HAMMER.

- Light the gas cylinder with the LIGHTER (Z).

- Go up in the air.

- Zoom into the sack; take the NUT OIL (A), the TORCH (B), and read the book marked in green.

- Zoom into the helm; put down the COMPASS (C).

- Play the mini-game.

- To solve this puzzle (D), set the five magnets marked in purple in a way , so that each compass needle points towards North.